John E. Vigars Kent Church Photographs
Image Source: John Vigar
An absolute gem of a church dating from Saxon times. The small double-splayed window in the south wall is evidence enough of that period. The church was then extended in the thirteenth century by the lengthening of the chancel, the addition of a north chapel and the building of a north aisle. As far as furnishings are concerned, the highlight is the medieval glass in the east window showing the Coronation of the Virgin, with lovely angels throwing their censors heavenwards. There is also a rare thirteenth century chest with lovely incised decoration and a seventeenth century pulpit. The Royal Arms of George III has recently been restored.
Church Data
1851 Census Details
Seating Capacity: 140
Morning Attendance: No service
Afternoon Attendance: 82
Evening Attendance: No service
Architecture Details
Original Build Date/Architect: Medieval
Restoration: Joseph Clarke 1879
Second Restoration:
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