John E. Vigars Kent Church Photographs
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This large sombre church stands just off the picturesque village square. Dating mainly from the fifteenth century, its interior was much restored in the Victorian period. The visitor today should spend time studying the stained glass and monuments which all commemorate the families associated with the village. In the north aisle is an excellent polished memorial to Sir Dudley Digges who lived in Chilham Castle in the early seventeenth century. It is made of Bethersden marble, and is similar in workmanship to many fireplaces in the castle. In the north chapel is a memorial to the Hardy children who died in 1858. It shows them reading a book with their toys around them. Originally made to stand in the castle it was presented to the church in 1919. The fine examples of stained glass in the north and south windows are also memorials to the Hardy family, designed by C.E. Kempe and Co. Ltd in 1914.
Church Data
1851 Census Details
Seating Capacity: No return
Morning Attendance: 100
Afternoon Attendance: 300
Evening Attendance: No service
Architecture Details
Original Build Date/Architect: Medieval
Restoration: David Brandon 1863
Second Restoration:
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